Thuthula Sodumo
“I have always thought I knew everything there is about disability. I thought I was the strongest person I know but after the 27th April 2017, I am forever changed and more than convinced that life is made of little miracles that visit us at certain points in our lives and usually these points are when we are ready to give up. I have had the pleasure of meeting amazing people in my life through the THISABILITY skills programme. I heard stories that shook me to the core and left me hopeful and inspired.
Now I know for sure that we are all made of strength and a little faith. The whole training session for me was eye opener and educational. I am now equipped as a writer and as a person with a disability, to face the world and fight for my rights. A lot of people made this possible for me; they made me see the world with a whole different set of ideas, thoughts and energy. People like Zuki Nzo – an inspiration on wheels. Her story is that of courage and you cannot hear her story and look at her without admiring her spark and magic. She is magic.
Thank you Media24 and THISABILITY Newspaper. I will take all that I have learnt and apply it in my life and my community. This has lit up an inferno in my soul that has woken up a spirit of advocacy and activism for the rights of people with disabilities. It is time for people with disabilities to be heard and to be taken seriously and I am so excited I will be a mouthpiece to their struggles. The time is now.”